Holiday Blitz – Gold Rush

Join The BGC of Greater Saint John in celebrating the year-end holidays with our HUGE Holiday Blitz! By joining in on our biggest 50/50 draw yet you’re directly helping support our local youth and programs through The BGC.

This jumbo sized Gold Rush: Holiday Blitz draw is $50.00 per number and will send our winner home what we hope is our biggest cash prize yet! Our regular Gold Rush sees roughly 1200 players a week, which means, that if all of them signed up for this draw then the winner would be taking home a huge prize! Wouldn’t that be an amazing start to the new year?


Cut-off to buy tickets is December 30th, 2024

Draw date is January 10th 2025, please see below for our rules, regulations, and how to play.


License #0282989 56 006


How To Play

How do I play?

Sign up here on our website with the above sign-up form. You’ll receive a Holiday Blitz specific number and pay for it.

Your sign up is not complete until you’ve paid for your number, until your number is paid you are not in the draw. You will be sent a Gold Rush: Holiday Blitz specific number after filling out the sign up form, after you receive it you can pay for your number by either:

1. Coming to The BGC of Greater Saint John Main Club location and paying in person with your number.

2. Sending an E-Transfer to (SIGN UPS ARE FINISHED) with your full name, email, and Holiday Blitz number in the memo. Without ALL OF THIS INFO we will not be able to match your number to payment, please provide all information for each number you are playing.

DO NOT Send any money until you have received your Holiday Blitz number.

Holiday Blitz draw numbers are $50.00 per number.

The last day/cut-off date to buy tickets is December 30th, 2024

The draw date is January 10, 2025 and will be announced on our social media channels. The winner will also be contacted by BGC staff.

If you have any questions you can send an email to:

Holiday Blitz Q & A

Q:   How do I get a Holiday Blitz number?
 A:   You can sign up here on the website. We will use the information from your sign up to contact you if you win. Draw numbers are $50.00 per number.

Q:   How do I play Holiday Blitz?
A: Sign up for a Holiday Blitz specific number with our sign-up sheet above, then once you’ve received your Holiday Blitz specific number and paid for it your in! Then you just sit back and wait for the winner to be drawn.

Q:   Can I put the Holiday Blitz ticket in my child’s name?
A:    No –  Lottery Licence requirement is for all players to be 19 years or older.

Q:   When is the draw?
A:   The draw is January 10th, 2025, and will be announced on our social media channels. The winner will be reached out to by staff as well based on the information given in their sign up sheet.

The last day/cut-off date to buy tickets is December 30th, 2024

Q:   Can I play more than one number?
A:   Yes, you can have as many numbers as you’d like. But only one name can go on the number and one person can accept the prize. We require your matching photo ID to claim the prize money.

Q:   Is this the same as my Gold Rush number?
A:   No, this is completely separate and you will receive a Holiday Blitz number instead. Do not pay onto your regular Gold Rush number for this draw.

Q:   Can my friends and I buy a number?
A:   Yes, but only one name can go on the number and one person can accept the prize. We require your matching photo ID to claim the prize money.

Rules & Regulations

Gold Rush Holiday Blitz Rules & Regulations

  • You Must be 19 to play.
  • Draw date is on Friday January 10th, 2025. 
  • This draw is completely separate from our weekly GOLD RUSH draw.
  • Cost is $50 per number and you may purchase as many numbers as you choose to. Numbers must be purchased either via our website or at our main club – 1 Paul Harris St, Saint John, NB. 
  • You can play more than one number. ****For each number played a separate registration will need to be completed.****
  • The winning name, number, and prize amount will be shown on the BGC Greater Saint John website after the winner has produced a valid ID and received the prize money.
  • Winners will be contacted by phone, and/or email.
  • A picture ID is required to collect your winnings.
  • Only 1 name can be assigned per number. If multiple individuals choose to purchase a number collectively, only 1 name can be assigned to that number. If that number drawn is the winning number, only the named individual can claim the prize on behalf of the group. 
  • BGC staff, volunteers, board members, and their family members are allowed to participate in the draw.
  • No Refunds
  • The Winning Gold Rush Holiday Blitz number that is drawn wins HALF the Total Gold Rush Holiday Blitz pot.
  • In a rare occurrence days/times might change. Players will be notified of these changes in advance by email and the draw date information on the top of our local GOLD RUSH boxes will indicate the changes.
  • Players must be residents of New Brunswick. If they move outside of the Province of New Brunswick prior to the draw date, their Gold Rush Holiday Blitz Numbers will be forfeited at that time. Please contact the Club if your address has changed even within the province, as we need to have your current mailing address on file at all times for the duration of the draw event.
  • It is the responsibility of the Gold Rush Holiday Blitz Participant to regularly check the Gold Rush website for up-to-date Rules of Play.
  • BGC Greater Saint John will attempt to contact the Gold Rush Holiday Blitz winning Participant within 48 hours of the draw date. We will make up to 10 attempts over the course of 2 full weeks to make contact with the winner. If the winner is unreachable within the specified timeframe above, a re-draw will take place and the original winning number will be discarded from the draw.


If you no longer wish to play please contact or 506-634-2011 and you will be removed from the registration. Once your registration is canceled your number may be reissued to another player.

By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Boys & Girls Club of Saint John, 1 Paul Harris Street, P.O. Box 2441, Saint John, NB, E2L 3V9 Canada, You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact.